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Convert emoji character to Unicode number in JavaScript

Leibniz Li



The codePointAt method returns a non-negative integer that is the Unicode code point value at the given position.

// output: "3"
// output: "9731"
// output: "9733"
// output: "9842"

// output: "2"
// output: "128512"
// output: "56832"
// output: "1f600"

// output: "4"
// output: "127482"
// output: "56826"
// output: "127480"
// output: "56824"


The static String.fromCodePoint method returns a string created by using the specified sequence of code points.

String.fromCodePoint(9731, 9733, 9842, 0x2F804);
// output: "☃★♲你"

String.fromCodePoint(128512, 56832);
// output: "😀�"

// output: "😀"

// output: "😀"

// output: "🇺🇸"

Convert multiple emoji

[...'☃★♲你😀🇺🇸'].map((el)=>{return el.codePointAt(0);})
// output: [9731, 9733, 9842, 20320, 128512, 127482, 127480]

String.fromCodePoint(...[9731, 9733, 9842, 20320, 128512, 127482, 127480])
// output: "'☃★♲你😀🇺🇸'"
[...'☃★♲你😀🇺🇸'].map((el)=>{return `0x${el.codePointAt(0).toString(16)}`;})
// output: ['0x2603', '0x2605', '0x2672', '0x4f60', '0x1f600', '0x1f1fa', '0x1f1f8']

String.fromCodePoint(...['0x2603', '0x2605', '0x2672', '0x4f60', '0x1f600', '0x1f1fa', '0x1f1f8'])
// output: '☃★♲你😀🇺🇸'
for (let ch of '☃★♲你😀🇺🇸') {
// 0x2603
// 0x2605
// 0x2672
// 0x4f60
// 0x1f600
// 0x1f1fa
// 0x1f1f8

Unicode encode/Unicode decode/Emoji encode/Emoji decode - online


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