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Usage Hummingbird

  • jpg, png, webp, svg, gif, html will replace the current file after compression, Backup can be turned on in Settings, and hummingbird will back up the files to the source folder in the current directory.
  • A new file with .min will be generated after css, js, mp4, mov compression.

Reduce the file size


Before After
jpg jpg
41kb 12kb


Before After
svg svg
28.9kb 9.42kb


Before After
svg svg
5.47kb 3.55kb

Crop audio


Convert image format

Hidden Features

  1. Hummingbird can quickly obtain the Base64 encoding of files, supporting: png, webp, jpeg, jpg, gif, tiff, avi, svg, ttf, woff, woff2.
  2. Hummingbird can handle font files, its predecessor is Panda.
  • Merge, you can batch assemble svg files into font files
  • Modify, you can add, delete, replace, and export glyphs to fonts, for example: replace specified glyphs in fonts
  • Cropping, filtering out the required glyphs from the font (filtering 8.1M Chinese fonts, it takes about 6 seconds to wait)
  1. Hummingbird can view the history of compressed files.